Jesus Needs To Intervene As New York Seeks To Turn Us Into Killers Of Innocent Children

Jesus Needs To Intervene As New York Seeks To Turn Us Into Killers Of Innocent Children

Urgent Call for Divine Intervention: New York's Struggle Against the Sanctity of Life . As a believer in Jesus, I am deeply troubled by the moral erosion that threatens the sanctity of life in our state. The relentless push to turn us into killers of innocent children through policies that promote abortion is a grave … Continue reading Jesus Needs To Intervene As New York Seeks To Turn Us Into Killers Of Innocent Children

We Need Jesus’s Urgent Help As California Seeks To Turn Us Into Single Mothers

We Need Jesus's Urgent Help As California Seeks To Turn Us Into Single Mothers

Seeking Divine Intervention: California's Battle Against Family Fragmentation . As a believer in Jesus, I am deeply concerned about the pervasive challenges that threaten to undermine the fabric of our families and communities. The increasing societal pressures and influences that seek to turn us into single mothers are alarming, highlighting the urgent need for God's … Continue reading We Need Jesus’s Urgent Help As California Seeks To Turn Us Into Single Mothers

We Need God’s Intervention As Nevada Seeks To Desperately Turn Us Into Prostitutes

We Need God's Intervention As Nevada Seeks To Desperately Turn Us Into Prostitutes

Seeking Divine Intervention: Nevada's Struggle Against Moral Decay . As a believer in Jesus, I am deeply troubled by the pervasive influence of moral decay that threatens to engulf our communities. The relentless push to exploit and commodify human beings, particularly through the proliferation of activities that seek to turn us into prostitutes, is a … Continue reading We Need God’s Intervention As Nevada Seeks To Desperately Turn Us Into Prostitutes

How Does Jesus’s Sacrifice And The Shedding Of His Blood Bring Redemption And Reconciliation With God?

How Does Jesus's Sacrifice And The Shedding Of His Blood Bring Redemption And Reconciliation With God?

. Embracing Redemption and Reconciliation: Understanding Jesus's Sacrifice Through Hebrew Bible Verses . As I reflect on the profound significance of Jesus's sacrifice and the shedding of His blood, I am drawn to the rich teaching of the Bible that illuminate the depth of God's love and the power of Christ's redemption. Through these verses, … Continue reading How Does Jesus’s Sacrifice And The Shedding Of His Blood Bring Redemption And Reconciliation With God?

What Is The Significance Of Leviticus 19:29 In Addressing The Issue Of Prostitution?

What Is The Significance Of Leviticus 19:29 In Addressing The Issue Of Prostitution?

. The Significance Of Leviticus 19:29: A Biblical Perspective On Addressing Prostitution . As I delve into the complexities of addressing the issue of prostitution, I am drawn to the profound significance of Leviticus 19:29 in the Bible. This verse offers valuable insights into the moral and societal implications of prostitution, shedding light on its … Continue reading What Is The Significance Of Leviticus 19:29 In Addressing The Issue Of Prostitution?

Unlocking Spiritual Authority | Exploring Matthew 18:18 And It’s Lessons

Unlocking Spiritual Authority | Exploring Matthew 18:18 And It's Lessons

. Unlocking Spiritual Authority | Exploring Matthew 18:18 And It's Lessons . Matthew 18:18[18]“Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Introduction: In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus imparts a profound truth in chapter 18, verse 18, … Continue reading Unlocking Spiritual Authority | Exploring Matthew 18:18 And It’s Lessons

The Keys To Kingdom Authority | A Journey Through Matthew 16:19

The Keys To Kingdom Authority | A Journey Through Matthew 16:19

. The Keys To Kingdom Authority | A Journey Through Matthew 16:19 . Matthew 16:19[19]And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Introduction: In Matthew 16:19, Jesus bestows upon … Continue reading The Keys To Kingdom Authority | A Journey Through Matthew 16:19

Overcoming Strongholds Standing In Your Way | Unveiling The Spiritual Truths In Matthew 12:29

Overcoming Strongholds Standing In Your Way | Unveiling The Spiritual Truths In Matthew 12:29

. Overcoming Strongholds Standing In Your Way | Unveiling The Spiritual Truths In Matthew 12:29 . Matthew 12:29[29]Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house. Introduction: In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 12, verse 29, Jesus … Continue reading Overcoming Strongholds Standing In Your Way | Unveiling The Spiritual Truths In Matthew 12:29

A Miraculous Healing And Prophetic Fulfillment In Matthew 12:22

A Miraculous Healing And Prophetic Fulfillment In Matthew 12:22

. A Miraculous Healing And Prophetic Fulfillment In Matthew 12:22 . Matthew 12:22[22]Then one was brought to Him who was demon-possessed, blind and mute; and He healed him, so that the blind and mute man both spoke and saw. .Introduction: In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 12, verse 22, we encounter a profound moment in … Continue reading A Miraculous Healing And Prophetic Fulfillment In Matthew 12:22

Gratitude In Abundance | Lessons from Deuteronomy 6:11

Gratitude In Abundance | Lessons from Deuteronomy 6:11

. Gratitude In Abundance | Lessons from Deuteronomy 6:11 . Deuteronomy 6:11[11] Houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, hewn-out wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant—when you have eaten and are full— Introduction: Deuteronomy 6:11 paints a vivid picture of a bountiful … Continue reading Gratitude In Abundance | Lessons from Deuteronomy 6:11